Tag Archives: Down memory lane

Down memory lane… Sri Sathya Sai Baba Experiences shared By Swami’s Students

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  Down memory lane…
Sri Sathya Sai Baba Experiences shared By Swami’s Students

Down memory lane...Sri Sathya Sai Baba Experiences shared By Swami's Students  

(Tuesday, October 22, 2002 8:38 AM)

Today also we had a surprise. During afternoon darshan, right after Swami had a short interview with a local couple, the microphone was brought out. Then Swami walked graciously to his chair & sat. A student announced there would be 2 boys from Swami’s school sharing their Divine experience with Swami.

First speaker was Sri Rama, a student who attended to Swami’s school in Ooti. He said when he was in the 4th grade his teachers always complained about his handwriting saying it’s not beautiful. In Ooti, Swami’s home was very close to the classrooms. One day Swami walked into the classroom & very politely asked the class teacher, “May I come in?” Then Swami walked to each desk. Sri Rama quickly opened his notebook & began to write something, trying his best to work on his handwriting. Suddenly he saw Swami standing near & watching him. Swami asked, “What are you writing?” Sri Rama gave the book to Swami. Then Swami looked through the book & said, “Good boy, very nice handwriting.” This boy could hardly believe it since the book had remarks written by the teacher saying, “handwriting needs to improve.” After Swami left, Rama told his teacher. The teacher responded saying, “Swami said that because He is God.”

After graduating with a Masters from Swami’s University, in an interview, Swami told Rama & his fellow mate that they will be going to U.S to the Loma Linda University in CA to get a Degree in Health Administration. Swami said first you must get the permission from your Parents & then get back to Swami.

Then Swami brought the application papers & asked the 2 boys to fill them out. The form asks why you want to come to this University. In reply, they wrote about the work that Swami does for the people, mentioning the Super Specialty Hospital & many more. They said that after they graduate they will serve Swami at the Hospital.

By now Swami told the boys to prepare for the Toefal & GMAT exams as they only have 2 wks left before the exam. They were so nervous, wondering how they could prepare for these tests in such a short time. They didn’t want to let Swami down by scoring low marks. Then Swami said, “I’m with you, don’t worry.”…continue reading



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